We finally did it, the GCI Harlem Shake! We've been planning it for a while. I won't really call it a school event because it was only our FFP class that participated in it (which is 14 people). It was very embarrassing to dance like maniacs while other students of the school stared and filmed us on their iPhone. But I think it brought our class together because we shared props and complimented each others dance move. Hopefully all the video footage turns out good cause I don't really want to rerecord anything. I got all sweaty and now I have to go the rest of the day smelling bad, at least I have a locker full of Jolly Ranchers that will make me smell fruity. I'm not sure yet if I'll be fine with the dance being on YouTube because so many people could watch it. New trends or internet memes pop-up quickly but also lose interest and disappear just as fast. The Harlem Shake has seemed to already become less popular, except they are a lot of fun to film!

While search for interesting blogs to read, I found this article about a group creating cool structures out of cardboard for homeless people to live in. They call them 'Cardborigami' and the shelters have a fire and water resistant coating.
Here is a link to the page if you want to read it  ---

What gets wetter and wetter as it dries?
What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?
Neil Pasricha is a man living in Canada who after experiencing a very tough period in time decided to forget all the negatives in life and find all those little things that make you happy. Neil started a blog just to get his ideas out of his head called 1000 awesome things. He posts quick paragraphs about little things that most people don't realise that makes them happy. Such as, driving through all green lights, being the first in a new cashier line, or the cool side of the pillow. His blog started getting more and more views and eventually Neil was receiving emails from publishers hoping to get hold of his blog. His book, The Book Of Awesome is now in bookstores and was top seller for 20 weeks. Neil announced is life story while he spoke at a TED Talk. He sounded a little nervous but he was talking about some touchy topics to a big crowd so I don't blame him. The 3 A's stand for attitude, awareness, and authenticity.

- Attitude is that if something horrible or tough is occurring you can either stick with it and head down a downward spiral or suck it up and find what makes you happy again.
- Awareness is to be happy of all the things around you. Neil used an example of three year olds and how they are looking at the world like it's brand new.
- Authenticity is being true to yourself and knowing who you are at all times.

This morning, as I let my dog inside, I watched as the first thing she did was run to her food bowl to see if we had put any food in it. I realised that she does this a lot. Every time Abbi walks past the kitchen she always runs and checks her bowl which is usually empty. When we do drop a treat into her bowl it always makes a little 'ting' noise, and from anywhere in the house Abbi can hear that faint noise. After watching her constantly do her routine with her dog bowl and instantly made me think of Facebook. I'm not a huge user of Facebook anymore, except when I was I would always randomly check my news-feed. I knew that most likely nothing interesting was on Facebook, but what if that one time I didn't check someone posts a hilarious video or status or something to amuse me. So I would constantly check my Facebook every time I walked past my computer. When I got the Facebook app on my iPod I was happy because then I could check Facebook on the go. Also the best part was every time I got a notification, my iPod would alert me with a 'ding'. I didn't get many notifications, but when I did I would rush to receive it. (I know this sounds like I'm one of those types of people who sit around waiting for something on Facebook, kind of was a couple of years ago, nowadays I don't use social media as much). With me always checking my Facebook and Abbi frequently checking her bowl, me waiting for the 'ding' of a notification and Abbi listening for the 'ding' of a treat, there are obvious similarities between dogbowls and Facebook.

After watching a documentary in class about jobless students after finishing university I'm starting to get worried about my future. I haven't thought about how joblessness will affect my future goals and plans but now it's definitely a problem that I need to look out for. I'm interested in studying sciences in university and plan to follow down the path of forensic investigation. I know that if I apply for internships, co-ops, or apprenticeships it will give me an advantage and gain extra experience in the job world against my other peers.
I don't know much about religion. I didn't grow up in a family where it was mandatory to go to church and I just never took the time to read about any religions. I know that a lot of people are very passionate about what they believe in so I always try my best not to offend people. I have absolutely nothing wrong with people believing in whatever they want to. Why should I? It's none of my business. If someone wants to believe in God or Buddha or even a puddle that has been dyed green by a marker (inside joke), well then let them. If believing in something makes them happy and feel safe, then why would I tell them that they are wrong? All I would be doing is making someone unhappy for no reason. That leads me to another thing, like I said before it doesn't bother me about what beliefs one might have. Except it does get on my nerves when people from a certain religion go out to try and to convert others to their beliefs. It seems like they are almost having an imaginary contest to see how many people they can convert. I personally think that people should simply care about their beliefs, not others. With the new Scientology church being built in my town, I frown upon the protesters standing outside trying to banish this religion. I have some good friends of mine who have very strong beliefs and it's fun to discuss about different topics with them. I get invited to a few Youth Groups which turn out to be a lot of fun. Everyone there is always welcoming, so I don't see why anyone would get up set.

"I don't think that we should worry about why or how we got here, I think we should just enjoy the present. We are here cause we are." Taylor Monteiro

These past few weeks at school has really been stressing my brain about what I am going to be when I'm older. I do have a career in mind that currently I think fits best for me, but in the last week at school we've been needing to search up information about our dream jobs and do all these quizzes to see what path you should go down. Plus I'm in the midst of course selection for grade 11. I quickly filled up my schedule with courses that I believe will aid with my dream job as an Forensic Investigator, except realized that I'm really challenging myself with a bunch of tough classes next year. So after doing a lot of thinking and discussing with others I told myself that I'll just stick with my tough courses, do some online classes and maybe even go to summer school.
But what if after stressing about what knowledge I need to learn to achieve my goal to an investigator, I suddenly just change my mind and I don't know want to be a chef or something. Then what? I stress even more and panic as I try everything to switch all my classes? As a kid a constantly changed what my dream job was going to be. But I am older now, that's an obvious fact. So I am more mature which hopefully means that I can make stronger decisions based on my life so far.
They do always say that your teenager years are meant for you to make mistakes and obtain the abilities to over come them. So maybe I am right in the middle of making a wrong turn in life or quite possible heading down the right path. Simply I don't know what lies ahead in my futures, I just got to continue on and see what happens next.
-  I want to be a well liked and confident person.
I want to always have the ability to travel or reach a destination whenever an opportunity emerges.
-  I want to be close with all my family members at all times.
-  I don't want to deal with any financial problems.
-  I want a well paying job and a fairly big house.
- I want a family